Outback Web Technologies LLC  


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[ 02-09-12 ] - Intoducing the new embedded database that allows you to Xcopy a single DLL for both 32 and 64 bit runtime support. Want ClickOnce deployment for your .Net application? The database requires zero config on the client. No more worries about COM deployment for the database engine! Even our database files are built for ease of deployment - a single database file with no external logs or complex permissions.

[ 02.07.2006 ] - Web Search Engines
With the search engines acting as today’s version of the Yellow Pages, your online presence and exposure is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage. For many businesses and industries, their website is their single most important marketing tool.

 Web Design  

Having a well developed website manages your business even when you are not working. This is a powerful advertising tool which builds better client-company relationships. Having a website is no longer an additional feature but rather a necessity.
Current economic climate demands new, fresh approach to advertising - having a website also reduces your advertising costs and helps with expansion on the market. When building a website, the most important thing is to determine your target audience and then to decide on the smartest Internet marketing strategy.

What We Offer...
Our company specializes in building of HTML based websites tailored to your needs. We focus on clean coding and use of CSS and Javascript thereby giving your website the desirable look and feel. Our experts are experienced in this field and we are able to provide the service which will exceed your expectations. The most important part of every website is to draw a special attention to your website and enhance the client's experience. We are capable of converting your ideas into reality and our creative team provides the best solutions for your specific needs.

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