02-09-12 ] - Intoducing the new embedded
database that
allows you to Xcopy a single DLL for both 32 and 64 bit runtime support. Want
ClickOnce deployment for your .Net application? The database requires
zero config on the client. No more worries about COM
deployment for the database engine! Even our database files are built for ease
of deployment - a single database file with no external logs or complex
permissions. |
[ 02.07.2006
] - Web Search Engines
With the search engines acting as today’s version of the Yellow Pages, your
online presence and exposure is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage.
For many businesses and industries, their website is their single most important
marketing tool. |
A dynamic website uses a server-side technology to generate the content you see
on the site's pages. Using a server-side technology opens up a wide range of
possibilities: e-commerce, customer management systems, direct user feedback,
and adding a search form to your site.
Using the latest web development and database tools, we can create an
application that features all the requirements from a customer and customer
service prospective.